Yes No Guide
To Better Decisions

The story

In the yes no guide to better decisions, the main character, a young man goes on a hike up some mountains with a group of people.

This young man is having problems making decisions in both his private and business life.

Along the way, the various members of the group teach him their particular system of making better decisions.

There are a lot of examples used, both personal and business, to teach him the system.

Two questions

The yes no guide to better decisions consists of two questions. Each will have a yes or no answer and the idea is to be able to answer yes to both. The questions are

  • Am I meeting the real need, informing myself of options, and thinking it through?
  • Does my decision show I am honest with myself, trust my intuition and deserve better?

Three parts

Each question has three parts, so they cover a lot of ground, so to speak.

The first question is the practical question and is head based. The idea is to establish the outcome you want, to list the possible options and to get as much information as possible.

The second question in the yes no guide to better decisions is a private question and is heart based. It performs several functions. It checks whether you are operating out of reality or your own personal illusion. It also establishes that you are depending on yourself and not making the decision out of fear or self-defeat, and that you're not settling for too little.

The pros and cons

Throughout the book, each term such as intuition, truth, reality, integrity and so on are defined. You are frequently reminded to lighten up and learn to laugh at your mistakes. The book, the full title of which is "Yes" or "No": The Guide to Better Decisions, also goes quite a way to combining the rational and intuitive approaches to decision making.

However, the rational aspect is proposed first and the intuitive second. This is contrary to how people naturally make decisions. And to some extent even the intuitive part has a lot of emphasis on thinking as opposed to paying attention to what's happening in your body.

And one of the aspects of the book that I disliked was the emphasis on making better decisions. This notion of comparisons is one that causes difficulty for many people. 'I don't want to go with this one in case there is something better'. 'I don't want to buy this because I might find it cheaper elsewhere'.

Seeking to make a better decision frequently leads people to not making any decision at all. It's much more useful to have a system that let's you know when you're actually making effective decisions...

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