The church disfellowshipped my best friend

by James
(Mcminnville, Oregon)

My best friend was lied to by the pastor's son.

He also questioned the pastor on having to pay 15% of his disability settlement. After calling his son on his lies he was disfellowshipped at a meeting we could not record. The pastor lied about the situation and all the church people were told not to talk to or go with him. They all agreed in unison. How sad.

He questioned things and this is what happens. I say 'Screw that! he is my best friend.' We shall see what they do to me.

They also covered up sex abuse and child labor law violations and my best friend reported that.

Reprisal is a form of control. I hope I can leave. It is hard. But I will not let them tell me to stay away from my best friend.

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Nov 13, 2014
Good for you!
by: David


It would be a good idea for you to learn about mind control and cults so that you more fully understand what is happening in the group.

This will help you to get rid of the dependency that the group has created in you and will make it much easier for you to walk away.

If I can help in any way, let me know.

And well done too, to your friend. It takes a lot of courage to stand up to these types!

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