Help for my son!

My son has been brainwashed by a much older woman he has been involved with sexually. How do you help reverse this? We have a therapist involved...

As parents, we are extremely concerned for his wellbeing as she is a psychopath. He feels totally responsible and has turned against us and some of his friends. I am afraid she could talk him into anything. What do we do? How do we make this better?

He believes we are the liars and manipulators and want to control his life. Any advise on how to help him would be great. By the way, did I mention she was his teacher?

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Feb 21, 2016
The way to resolve this
by: David

Hi there,

The thing you need to do is to learn about mind control and psychopathy and how specifically this woman caught your son.

You must understand pseudopersonalities so that you can learn to speak to your son in a way that he can listen to you.

Does your therapist understand mind control and psychopaths? Because if not, s/he will not be able to help you. Even with the best of intentions, they can often make things worse. (For example, I know of people who have been told that they should just leave their family member where they are and when they are ready they will leave of their own accord).

There is much to do and much to learn and you obviously have lots of questions. It may be a lot easier to chat about your situation and if you write to me on the contact page of this site, we can arrange to talk and we can assess your situation and I can make soem suggestions.

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