Cult contradictions exist in how destructive cults work, in what the leaders say, and because the doctrine is totalitarian in nature, typically there are cult contradictions here as well. They are usually a product of the leaders thinking and are used by the cult leaders to justify their own actions, to manipulate the members, or both.
This is list of the more common cult contradictions that are present in many destructive cults. Within any particular group there may be cult contradictions specific to that group because of the particular doctrine.
For example, there are frequently cult contradictions with respect to the emotions that are allowed or not. In some groups you learn how to access best states or peak states and supposedly within this state you can experience all the emotions. But if you are experiencing a bad emotion, then you are not in your best state.
Do you have personal experience of any cult contradictions, whether listed here or not?
Here's your chance to write about your own experience. To get it off your chest, if that helps!
Let the world know that there are unscrupulous and evil people around, and explain how they manipulate others. Much of the defense against mind control is understanding how it works. Use your experience to educate and help others!
Your entry can be totally anonymous. We know this can be very important! And lastly, all submissions and comments are screened before publication to make it safe for people to write without fear of 'retaliation'.
Read submission guidelines
Click below to read other examples of cult contradictions and how they affect people...
Mi Querido Psicópata <3
La mía es una historia de amor.
Me enamoré de un hombre que había aprendido técnicas de control mental y tenía todo un grupo de mujeres a sus pies. …
Me case con una psicopata y despues de 17 anos me di cuenta
Bueno, espero les sirva mi experiencia, para que no le pase a otra gente.
Hace 17 años me casé en un país extranjero, con una mujer de ese país. Yo …
En familia
El control mental que se describe en esta web coincide exactamente con mi familia.
Mientras leía, era como si estuviese viendo a mis hermanos. Uno …
Amma Cultist Friend
It wasn't until after I fell out with a friend that I realized her weird outbursts of angry, controlling behavior towards me were a symptom of her involvement …
La realidad irreal
Estoy en un momento muy duro de mi vida y podría ser todo lo contrario.
Ttengo un hijo maravilloso y tengo trabajo por los pelos. Llevaba dentro de …
13 Años De Mi Vida, Mi Juventud Ahí Quedo
1994, con 17 años de edad, un bebé de un año en brazos y un matrimonio sofocante; sí esa era mi realidad cuando me topé con "ellos".
Parecían tan buenos, …
poison control
I met Him in high school. I remember feeling how different His energy was when He walked into the classroom. It was very strong.
He had come from nowhere. …
Atrapado en esto..
Les escribo para ver cómo me pueden ayudar.
En estos momentos estoy sufriendo un control mental grande del que no sé cómo escapar o despertar. …
The church disfellowshipped my best friend
My best friend was lied to by the pastor's son.
He also questioned the pastor on having to pay 15% of his disability settlement. After calling his …
Enamorada Por Manipulacion.
Conocí a una mujer la cual desde el primer día se mostró muy simpática, segura de sí misma, inteligente, y con una oratoria increíble. Había escuchado …
Cruce de caminos con un psicopata
Tuve la desgracia de cruzarme con un psicópata y con su grupo de manipulación en el peor momento de mi vida.
Y en aquel momento no tenía ni idea de lo …
Lagrimas escondidas en el alma Not rated yet
Hola a todos, mi nombre es S.N.
Leyendo el artículo me sorprendí que alguien entienda todo sobre lo que padecen ciertas personas.
No puede estar …
I assisted my niece to leave a boyfriend who was part of a cult Not rated yet
Hello, hard to believe this can happen in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada!
Our niece is a beautiful, intelligent girl and had her pick of boyfriends, well …
Cursos de Liderazgo - Sutil Engaño. Not rated yet
Están proliferando sectas disfrazadas de cursos de liderazgo y experiencias vivenciales. de Manera Exponencial y nadie dice nada... Hay muchas...
You have probably noticed that I am moving the whole Mind Control section to a new site. Please excuse any inconvenience. I expect to have made the whole move in the next few days.
This is the new site Feel free to come and visit. Any suggestions will be gratefully received!