by Robert
Les escribo para ver cómo me pueden ayudar.
En estos momentos estoy sufriendo un control mental grande del que no sé cómo escapar o despertar.
Me inculcaron una religión cristiana sin saber mi decisión. No sé qué hacen para controlarme. Hago cosas que no quiero hacer, escucho golpes como para que me despierte si me voy fuera de sí, y, en ocasiones hago símbolos con mi mano que no hay como no hacerlos.
Si acepto algo sin saberlo me arrepiento. Solo quiero saber si existe Dios. Porque la masonería esta involucrada con el judaísmo y no quiero formar parte de eso. Si hay alguna forma de salir de esto y no sentirme un zombie...
Comments for Atrapado en esto..
Would you like to talk to someone about your situation?
If you think you are or have been in a cult or a destructive relationship, or a friend or family member might be in a cult and you want to talk to someone, send me a message on the Contact page and we can arrange to talk. All communication will be treated in the strictest confidence.
You have the theory but how do you actually apply it? This book spells it out...
Do you think that you might be in an abusive relationship? Are you realizing that the group you are in may be a cult?
Do you think you are being taken advantage of emotionally, physically, sexually or financially in your relationship? Do you want to leave but you can't seem to get away?