Your Decision Making Blog

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  • lets you know when we post new decision making articles on, giving you more information and ideas about decision making.

  • gives you ideas about how to make decisions that allow you to be the person you want to be and do the things you want to do

  • points out some things that may be of interest or value to you as someone who wants to build confidence in their decision making skills

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Blog de Tomar Decisiones con Confianza

Si ya sabes qué hacer...

El Blog de Tomar Decisiones es una "fuente de noticias" que:

  • te permite saber cuándo hemos publicado artículos nuevos sobre tomar decisiones en nuestra página web, dándote más información e ideas sobre tomar decisiones.

  • te da ideas sobre cómo tomar decisiones que te permiten ser la persona que tú quieres ser y hacer las cosas que quieres hacer.

  • señala algunas cosas que pueden ser de interés o de valor para ti, como alguien que quiere construir la confianza en su capacidad para tomar decisiones.

  • te permite saber cuándo he enviado el boletín y dónde leerlo (en caso de que no quieras dar tu dirección de correo electrónico, o tu servidor de internet tiende a un sobre-filtrarlo perdiendo alguna edición).

Si tienes alguna idea para artículos sobre tomar decisiones que te gustaría leer, por favor, háznoslo saber.

Para subscribirte al Blog de Tomar Decisiones (¡no se necesita dar la dirección de correo electrónico!), clic derecho en el botón naranja RSS (ver los botones de la izquierda), copiar la URL y luego pégalo en tu lector de RSS o noticas. O clic en el botón de Mi Yahoo! o Mi MSN o el botón Añadir a Google si ya tienes personalizadas las páginas de inicio allí.

Si no estás seguro de lo que son los blogs y RSS, encontrarás la respuesta aquí ¿Qué es RSS?

Una vez que empiezas, tendrás la grata sorpresa de lo útil que pueden llegar a ser para ti estas fuentes de noticias.


Dec 10, 2024

I assisted my niece to leave a boyfriend who was part of a cult

Hello, hard to believe this can happen in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada! Our niece is a beautiful, intelligent girl and had her pick of boyfriends, well

Continue reading "I assisted my niece to leave a boyfriend who was part of a cult"

Dec 10, 2024

Demon Possession or Mental Illness?

Before Andrea Yates made headlines for drowning her children, very little was known about postpartum mental health. If doctors screened new moms, the questions

Continue reading "Demon Possession or Mental Illness? "

Dec 10, 2024

The Day the World Ended.

Tall, dark, handsome. I should have known this was too good to be true. I met him the day the world was supposed to end in December at a party. He asked

Continue reading "The Day the World Ended."

Dec 10, 2024

Mother Knows Best

My mom had grown up in an abusive household. Her life had always been unstable, and few people around her cared for her or showed her how to care for others.

Continue reading "Mother Knows Best"

Dec 10, 2024

Been Conned All Of My Life - Started In Childhood...

Where do I start? Being raised in a home where my dad was a 20 year man in the army. After divorcing my mom and marrying a psychopath (my opinion) everything

Continue reading "Been Conned All Of My Life - Started In Childhood..."

Dec 10, 2024

Jealous Scorned Entity

Yes, indeed... there are evil people in this world... I currently have a female psychopath that is currently in my life... it all started when the SO

Continue reading "Jealous Scorned Entity"

Dec 10, 2024

how i was conned by a psychopath

He used insults about my looks, saying the same thing each week. It was like groundhog day. I started to say no to this and withdraw, but he chased me

Continue reading "how i was conned by a psychopath"

Oct 26, 2021

What is intuition and how reliable is it?

What is intuition, how can you develop it and is it even worth improving?

Continue reading "What is intuition and how reliable is it?"

Apr 04, 2012

Frases sobre errores de decisiones para animarte e inspirarte

¡Algunas frases sobre errores de decisiones para tranquilizarte y asegurarte que los errores pueden ser útiles!

Continue reading "Frases sobre errores de decisiones para animarte e inspirarte"

Apr 04, 2012

Decision making mistakes quotes to encourage and inspire

Decision making mistakes quotes to reassure you that mistakes can be useful!

Continue reading "Decision making mistakes quotes to encourage and inspire"

Mar 26, 2012

Enfoques Sobre Tomar Decisiones Para Hacer Tu Vida Más Fácil

Algunos enfoques sobre tomar decisiones que te permitirán tomar las decisiones importantes con más confianza.

Continue reading "Enfoques Sobre Tomar Decisiones Para Hacer Tu Vida Más Fácil"

Mar 26, 2012

Decision making approaches to make your life easier

Some decision making approaches that will allow you to make those important decisions with more confidence.

Continue reading "Decision making approaches to make your life easier"

Mar 20, 2012

How do I make good decisions and can I do it more often?

How do I make good decisions? What do I need to know? What must I do?

Continue reading "How do I make good decisions and can I do it more often?"

Mar 20, 2012

Una buena toma de decisión

Una buena toma de decisión ¿Cómo tomar buenas decisiones? ¿Qué necesito saber? ¿Qué debo hacer?

Continue reading "Una buena toma de decisión"

Mar 13, 2012

Frases sobre decisiones sobre trabajo, carrera, negocios y tiempo.

Frases sobre decisiones para inspirarse, tomar ideas y consejos sobre temas de trabajo, negocio y carrera.

Continue reading "Frases sobre decisiones sobre trabajo, carrera, negocios y tiempo."

Mind Control

You have probably noticed that I am moving the whole Mind Control section to a new site. Please excuse any inconvenience. I expect to have made the whole move in the next few days.

This is the new site Feel free to come and visit. Any suggestions will be gratefully received!